Untitled, Solar Eggs 2021
Untitled, Solar Egg is comprised of sixteen separate solar circuits that collect light energy into a miller engine, a a tiny basic battery which can store only up to three volts before releasing it. Once three volts is reached, the battery releases the electricity, which triggers the motors in an arrhythmic sequence regulated both by the amount of light in the room and by variances in the individual circuits. The spasmodic movement of the motors causes pairs of empty eggshell halves to tap against one another, producing a surprisingly amplified sound. The contrast between the expected fragility and evident strength of these symbolic elements leaves the viewer with both surprise and uncertainty. The eggshells reference the seed of life directly, while at the same time alluding to the seed of life on this planet, the sun, and the balance between fragility and strength in our seemingly permanent world. Placed in an environment with variable lighting, the changing frequency of the percussion becomes an audible reminder of the often overlooked and ever changing energy that surrounds us.